Carrying while pregnant


Carrying your baby in a sling while pregnant is possible - however always seek medical advice from your doctor and midwife before trying it. This article is intended to inform you of what I have found possible on my body based on my personal experiences of using the Mezaya Baby sling whilst pregnant. It is not meant to substitute the advice of your healthcare practitioner. (My toddler was 2 years and 2 months when my second baby arrived.)

ringsling baby wearing

Through out my pregnancy I found the sling useful but I always listened to my body and stopping carrying when needed.

During the earlier stages of my pregnancy (when my bump was small), I found using the sling when my toddler wanted to be lifted and have a quick carry far more comfortable and supportive on my body than carrying her without it. It was great for cuddles, comforting her and when I needed to get somewhere fast and I needed my daughter to be safe (like when crossing a busy road from the car to a toddler group and really didn't want to get the buggy out of the boot of the car!)

pregnant babyweaing

In my second trimester as my bump grew, my carrying position needed to move onto my hip and well above my bump. I only carried for short periods of time. It's best not to have a toddler's weight and pressure sat directly on top of your bump in a front carry position. 

Babywearing ring sling

Remember If you begin to experience any discomfort with carrying whist pregnant - stop!

In the third trimester the levels of relaxin hormone in my body increased significantly - my ligaments and tendons felt very loose and became much more elastic. I only carried my toddler for very brief periods of time as I am aware that any type of hip carry is best kept to a minimum when you are heavily pregnant!

I found great comfort in using the sling as a bump support though. Wrapping my bump gave me such proved also to be a great way of softening my linen sling (after a gentle 30 degree wash) so it was ready for my newborn need to wait until baby arrives to use your Mezaya sling! 


Victoria x

bump wrap

 'Oatmeal' from our Heritage Linen Collection is featured in this post. Click here to view the collection.




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