Tell us about yourself:
Victoria, Tom & Annabelle
We love living in the ‘middle of nowhere’ in the countryside of England.
We have both lived in London for years, but decided the freedom and space of the country was more suited to the direction we wanted our lives to move in.
Location? Devon, UK
VICTORIA: Former professional dancer/ballerina turned designer and owner of MEZAYA BABY (a luxury baby sling company)
TOM: Urban Designer
5 favourite things/items?
1. Mezaya Baby Sling, it’s my most used baby item and a total essential.
2. A hot shower is one of the things I love the most!..and so easy to take for granted that all we have to do is turn on a tap.
3. My bed, I love sleeping!
4. My home and family (is that classed as a thing?)
5. Organic local produce from the Farm shop – I love to eat well and I love food!
What are you most passionate about?
I am passionate about so many things. Right now though, I’m most passionate about ensuring I am able to spend as much time with my little family as I can, as the years seem to be speeding up with each season that passes.
Do you have any hobbies/things you do in your downtime?
I love to still take ballet classes and Pilates. I think it’ll be that way forever.
How did becoming a mother change you?
It changed my life, I morphed through that incredible process from maiden to mother. It has made me see the world from a different view point and sometimes I feel like I might just explode from the love I feel for my little family, that was not expected.
What’s the best part about being a mother?
The best part about being a Mother is that my baby daughter chose me for the job, I feel so privileged to be her Mummy. For me, being a mother, tops it all… all the jobs I have ever had. All the world travels, all the performing in theatres around the globe, achieving dreams and personal goals. Out of everything, becoming a mother has been the most rewarding chapter of my life so far.
Naming your children is always so difficult (or maybe it was just me!) Was it easy to pick your child’s name and why did choose it?
We decided on the name Annabelle and we didn’t have any alternatives. It just felt right.
We wanted a solid, traditional name, that could either be used in full or that we could shorten into a nickname, so she can choose as she grows up.
Has your personal style changed since becoming mother?
My style has had to change on a practical level, everything I wear now needs easy access for nursing and the clothes I wear are far more relaxed. Right now, in the Winter, I’ve become very practical and I love a few quality pieces, like a pair of simple trousers and a relaxed blouse, so it’s pretty easy to get ready in the morning and look put together. I’m definitely into quality versus quantity.
Is there anything about motherhood that has surprised you?
I wasn’t prepared for the pain I felt during the early days of nursing! Thankfully I had support and got through those early weeks and now it’s so so easy. I’m so glad I stuck with it and didn’t give in.
Favourite thing to do as a family?
We love to go for a drive to the moors or beach, we are lucky that we have so many wonderful places to explore around where we live. Most of all, we love hanging out at home, just being.
What has been the most memorable moment for you in motherhood so far?
The birth, it was a pretty epic moment!
What are some baby essentials every new mother needs?
A Mezaya Baby Sling! I honestly don’t know what I would do without mine, it gets used several times a day, every day. It’s my 3rd arm. It enabled me to work on my laptop through the early months, to help Annabelle to sleep, to keep her content, to bond, to regulate milk production.. It’s been utterly invaluable. Danish wool breast pads are so amazing too as is a good maternity bra. A lovely dressing gown won’t go amiss either.
What is the one thing you want to teach your children?
To question and to make their own judgement, rather than always being led by others. To think, to be thoughtful and to know though every cell in their body that they are loved.
Have any advice for newly mothers/mothers to be?
Follow your instinct, don’t believe everything that the baby books recommend. Use your own judgement and have the confidence to do your thing and listen to your mummy instinct.
follow Victoria on Instagram: @mezayababysling